where do I begin?
Friday was pretty much business as usual. Class at 8 AM CT, then study for a couple of hours. Next try to read and answer as many e-mails as possible in a hour (not enough, BTW). Hubby running errands most of afternoon; a great day for US - a new HD LCD TV, 40 inches! Never would have thought I would have a set that large in my LR. We are so spoiled! It is going on top of our entertainment center because it is a piece of furniture and we can not part with it. We will be looking across and up - the sales person said 40" is an "adequate size" for at-home viewing. I guess he/she did not grow up in the 60's or 70's with our 19" to 25" screens and they were "adequate" for our viewing! Oh, this is not a SPLURGE purchase. At the moment we have 2 TVs in the LR - a 27" 'main' TV that has lost a channel (if you find it, please call :) and a 19" from a bedroom to watch the lost channel. Lately, this TV has begun to loose the picture and turn to static in picture and audio. If you "BANG IT" as hard as you can, it will return for a while, then it goes to static, you must get up and "bang" it again. Yep, got old in a hurry - first reason looking for TV. Second reason, every 10 minutes it scrolls across TV - that on February 17, 2009 our old TVs will no longer work, EXCEPT with the CONVERTER BOX! Oh, they also run a commercial several times during programing - a real pain in the a**. Anyway, the in and out of the new TV (still sitting in the box)! I know you are bored to tears ...
Saturday up early to work on papers for class - "Change in Management" and "Medical Assistant Role Influencing Factors". Went to turn on my computer, my baby, a pimped-up iBook G4, red with cut-out VW Beetle over Apple logo and purple inside, my baby! Well overnight my hard drive crashed/died/stopped functioning! Not good for someone in college online with assignments and group projects due in both classes! Needless to say, by this time, I am in panic mode. Light bulb comes on in my head, the flyer from Best Buy had several pages on computers for sale over the weekend!
I finished writing my papers in long-hand. Then the phone rings ...
My daughter, number 3, is on phone in tears, hysterical. She and her hubby had gone 'hog-hunting' (material for another post) with her horses Lea and Holly. They are Marsh Tackies' bred to hunt, work hard, good and dependable. However, accidents happen and one had - a terrible one. Somehow Lea had fallen through/off a bridge and injuries to both hind legs, very bad injuries. The decision had to be made ... put her down or get her to a Vet STAT. Lea had turned four on Friday, was raised by my daughter from birth - get help ASAP. She was calling as they drove frantically to NC State's School of Veterinary Medicine 4 hours away. They had to try. Any horse lovers out there will understand. Anyway, a call about six-seven hours later, was not good news. The vets could not help Lea and she was put down and then donated to the school for teaching purposes. I was bothered by this, even though I am an organ donor myself, but daughter #3 explained being in the medical field, she felt at peace with this decision. As do I, after a couple of days to come to terms with Lea's death.
As sad as loosing Lea is, life goes on ... school work is still due, dinners need to be fixed, church is still happening and I have to have a working computer! After church and lunch, my hubby and I headed to town (20 miles) and Best Buy. The technicians were extremely helpful and I finally made a choice that was a good buy, especially with a manager honoring $75 off that had ended at midnight Saturday! Something good, YA! %) A 'few bumps in the road' later, a decision had been made, paid for and left with "The Geek Squad" to ready for going home with me. We had a couple of hours to fill, another light bulb going off, a MOVIE.
Life is good!
We made it to the theater as IRON MAN was getting ready to start. Excellent movie. Do Not miss it!
After movie, rushed back to store to get my PC with Windows. I thought I would get an introduction to the new 'machine', but they were closing, so I have a new computer which is very strange to me, but I'm reading and typing, LOL!
So ... how was your weekend?