well... Almost! We did have a taste of cooler weather, crisp nights, feel of football in the air, and then...
86 degrees today! Is this "Indian Summer"? And what the blazes IS Indian Summer? Indian summer is H.U.M.I.D.I.T.Y - warm - confusing for plant life - irritating, for sure!
The calendar says Autumn arrived September 21, could someone tell me where? Today is October 9 - with temperature near 90, come on that is Summer, not Autumn temps!
I have waited patiently. I have saved my fall wardrobe - all three outfits. I have not put any fall decorations out. I have not purchased a pumpkin. BUT...
I want to! Now. Today. I hear the Farmers' Market calling me..." Come, please come and buy our pumpkins, fall veggies, crisp apples, and a variety of our orange, yellow, rust colored Mums..." So, I will wait a little longer, but I do not like waiting - I may grumble and complain, but what choice do I have?
Remember, "Y'all come back, ya' hear!"