Wow, one more day until Friday ... this week has flown by! Lots of activity in school, at home, and among family members.
For me, AIU, has kept my focus all week. Algebra for a 58 year old is either a joy or a curse ... for me a CURSE! This is week three(3) of a five(5) week course (online college moves quickly), and I am still working on the assignments for week ONE(1) ... this is NOT a good thing. I have a tutor lined up for the weekend - I hope it is not to late. Each course has a group project, also. My Algebra project is due during week four(4). PANIC has set in.
Now, Algebra, is not my only course this session; I also have Computer Systems Management. Thank goodness, this is a course I understand. I am doing really well in this one, an A, and current with all assignments. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Child number four is busy working on her thesis for her senior year, taking care of her cat, Rowan, and working part time at Lens-Crafters.
Child number two flew today to visit child number four for six days. She has decided to make a career change and is taking advantage of this time to visit her "little" sister. Should be a good time for both. I hope so.
Child number three is in nursing school, recovering from thyroid surgery, works part time at the hospital, and celebrated her second wedding anniversary on the 22nd.
Child number one is cheering on the Red Sox while running her company B G W E, which can be found
Of course, Hubby, can be found in the woods hunting deer, enjoying the beauty, and the quiet! He is quite a hunter; I am very proud of him! BTW - Happy Birthday!
Like I said; busy, busy, busy. I left time for all of you, though, did I not?
Now, I am so glad all my ducks are in a row!
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