Friday, January 25, 2008

Winter hits my 'little piece of heaven' ...

The temperature is dropping as I write! It is expected to hit the teens tonight. BRRRRRRRRRR! I wanted it to be more like winter ... I forgot you have to be careful what you ask for. It is the end of January, it should be cold! I am not complaining, just commenting. Everyone here in SC is still talking about the Democratic debate held in Myrtle Beach at the Palace Theatre and broadcast on CNN this past Monday evening. Yes, it was an honor. I understand it set some records. What it did for me was cause embarrassment for the Democratic candidates ... they acted like elementary school children bickering over who's dad was the best or siblings "tattling" on one another. Issues, problem-solving, foreign policy, economy, the war in Iraq - should not the focus be on these? The Republican debate the week before was much more civil and covered topics of concern to voters. Way to go, GOP! The Democratic Primary is this Saturday, January 26, 2008 in SC. If you are a registered voter in SC, remember YOUR vote counts! However, remember if you voted in the Republican Primary - you may NOT vote in the Democratic Primary! The Democratic race is close and you could decide the outcome ... VOTE! Sad news ... death of Heath Ledger. He will be missed by his many fans. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends. It is past my bedtime and I still have papers to write for class ... so, chat with you next time!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Democratic Debate TONIGHT in SC ...

Monday, January 21 - 03:32 PM EST
The debate will be broadcast LIVE on CNN tonight. Once again South Carolina is the focus of voters across our state and the country. Myrtle Beach is thrilled to be hosting the Democratic Party candidates.
Sens. Hillary Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois and former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina share the stage at Myrtle Beach's Palace Theatre in a showdown as the nation honors the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. with a federal holiday.
The debate, put together by CNN and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute, comes five days before the Democratic primary in South Carolina, where almost half of the Democratic primary voters are African-Americans.
These voters will be crucial to the outcome of Saturday's primary in South Carolina. They now appear to be leaning heavily toward Obama, who if elected would become the country's first black president.
This is quoted from CNN and is part of an article written by CNN's Paul Steinhauser, Rebecca Sinderbrand, Chris Welch and Josh Levs contributed to this report. Please read the entire article and check out the links within it for additional information about the debate, the candidates, and the Democratic Party. Do not forget the sand sculpture of the Democratic candidates' faces on display. Tomorrow we will share reviews of the debate. [tags]Democratic Party, SC debate, sand sculpture, Myrtle Beach, CNN, Congressional Black Caucus Institute[/tags]

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Our GOP Primary in South Carolina is tomorrow, Saturday, January 19th. SC

In previous years, the candidate that wins SC wins the election in November ... talk about pressure!

My personal choice is Mike Huckabee. Please check out his web site, and see what you think. I had the honor of greeting Mr. Huckabee in Florence on Thursday at our airport for a short press junket stop. I must admit I was undecided. However, he represented all the characteristics of the man I want in the White House and his issues are my issues. My decision is now one of pride to be casting my vote for the next President of the United States in 2008, Mike Huckabee!

If you are a registered voter in the US, please exercise this special privilege and vote in your primary and then in the election in November, 2008! EVERY VOTE DOES COUNT.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Friendships ...

I could NOT resist!
If you are like me, you have a handful of TRUE friends ... friends you see only occasionally, but who are dear to your heart. When you spend time together it does not matter how much time has passed since the last visit, card, or phone call, the conversation picks up where it left off. It amazes me each time it happens.
Then you probably have friends you have made through group activities that you see during the activity and, possibly, some of the group move over into the TRUE friend category. Next, church friends, work friends, neighborhood friends, and in a category all by themselves ... relatives! (That category will be a post all by itself in the near future.)
I had the pleasure of catching up with a TRUE yesterday ... the only friend from high school that loves me no matter what! The very best kind of FRIEND. It was that conversation that started me thinking about my friends in general. I would not trade a single one and I hope over the years the list will grow, BUT if it does not, I will always have the friend I talked to yesterday ... and we both know it!
I hope your day is exactly what you hoped, and remember, "Y'all come back, ya' hear!"

Friday, January 11, 2008

Excitement over Republican Debates

If you live in the South and you are a Republican, then last night was a good one for you! The Myrtle Beach Convention Center in Myrtle Beach, SC had the honor of hosting the Republican Party Debates. Approximately 3000 people filled the Center to hear the candidates' views on foreign policy, immigration, the war in Iraq and the promise of change each would make when elected. 
Yes, you are looking at a huge sand sculpture built of the candidates' faces. It took several days to construct and will remain there as long as it is presentable. If you are in the area, do walk by it - It is quite amazing!
Will it be business as usual? Or will the promises be kept? Will real change take place under the next Republican Administration? I guess we will know soon enough ... I, for one, sure hope so!
Remember, "Y' all come back, ya' hear!"

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Well, Friday was the day we took our youngest to the airport to fly back to school in the frozen tundra, Maine. Now with the security systems in place, you can no longer watch the plane take off, which somehow makes a mom worry just a bit - I liked seeing the plane disappear safely into the clouds . It is reassuring . Now, I wait for the phone call that she is safely back in her “home-away-from-home” . The traffic was awful. Naturally we did not allow enough time for Friday afternoon traffic in a large southern city and arrived at the airport 40 minutes before take-off - not good, but it all worked out. Thank goodness! So, once again our “nest” is EMPTY. I miss the laughter immensely, but school starts again on Monday for me. I am looking forward to studying, writing, research - brain growth! It is almost morning. I must get some sleep now. Remember, “Y’all come back ya’ hear!”

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Menopause, The Musical

Have you heard about "Menopause, The Musical"? ... If you have, you know it is hysterical! If you have not, you do not what you have missed! Please make it a New Year Resolution to find where it is playing and get tickets. You will be glad you did. This is the best portrayal of menopause ever done, do not miss it! They have a magazine that supports the show, the logo is shown. It, also, is not to be missed. There, my two suggestions for the new year, 2008!