If you are like me, you have a handful of TRUE friends ... friends you see only occasionally, but who are dear to your heart. When you spend time together it does not matter how much time has passed since the last visit, card, or phone call, the conversation picks up where it left off. It amazes me each time it happens.
Then you probably have friends you have made through group activities that you see during the activity and, possibly, some of the group move over into the TRUE friend category. Next, church friends, work friends, neighborhood friends, and in a category all by themselves ... relatives! (That category will be a post all by itself in the near future.)
I had the pleasure of catching up with a TRUE yesterday ... the only friend from high school that loves me no matter what! The very best kind of FRIEND. It was that conversation that started me thinking about my friends in general. I would not trade a single one and I hope over the years the list will grow, BUT if it does not, I will always have the friend I talked to yesterday ... and we both know it!
I hope your day is exactly what you hoped, and remember, "Y'all come back, ya' hear!"
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