These are schools I have attended or have helped to pay for someone to attend or someone I know is attending now. Confused? Not to worry, just something I was thinking about today ...

I attended USC, Columbia, SC as a married student in the late 1960's, but did not finish. My second born attended USC, too, late 1990's. She, too, choose to stop and take a break. She is now thinking of returning.

My first born and third child attended Converse College in Spartanburg, SC. The oldest in the early '90's and the third in 2000. Neither stayed to graduate. One is a writer and one is studying to be a nurse. The elder was 'chomping at the bits' to get back to California (a long story) and the other, simply not ready for college right after high school. Now they both seem happy with their choices.
My youngest is attending MECA. She loves it and will graduate in 2009 (we hope).

One left? AIU? I am going to AIU now. Yes, after 39 years I started in July, '07 and will get my AABA in July, '08. Only 5 classes left! Yay, ME!
Anyway, just my thoughts today.
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