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Where do you stand? ... with HILLARY, BARACK, OR JOHN?
Sen. Clinton's win in PA is changing the way the tide is flowing. In my opinion, she is showing strength, answers to the problems of health care and Iraq, and also new leadership skills. I am not saying I am on board with her, YET .... but the possibility is there.
Sen. Obama seems to be ANGRY, DEFENSIVE, and TIRED. The calmness he once brought to the table is dwindling. I, personally, think these changes are not a good sign for his electibility. The changes, also, seem to have 'red flags' attached to them. He will be watched intensely from now until the election.
Sen. McCain is riding 'on a cloud' of optimissism, one I hope will see him through until the end. Now, do not assume by that statement that I endorse Sen. McCain ... Republican runs in my veins, but my head and heart are still able to make decisions !
McCain is in New Orleans on his: "It's Time for Action Tour" going to the depressed areas and telling the victims how different it would be now, had he been president when Katrina came through. The residents expressed their concerns are with housing, health care, the economy, and the levi's replacement.
Today is DNA DAY ... did you know that? I sure did not. So, if you feel happy and alive today - it's your DNA celebrating!
Democrats in the US Senate are hoping to increase their seats in 2008 ... they have 12 seats that will be available and the Republicans have 23 seats up for grabs. Everyone needs to esercise their rote to vote in this Presidential Election if you want your ideas, ideals, and political policies enforce.
In NC there is much controversy over the ad to run next week linking GOP candidates with Obama. The chairman of the GOP insists the ad will not hurt Sen. McCain and nothing he can say or do will change ... the ad is running.
So where do you stand? Democrat, Republican, or "I No Longer Care!"
I want comments ... for, against, or indifferent. So make comments.
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